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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • If you’re interested in a free solar consultation and a customized quote, we’re here to help! So how does it work?

    To begin, with your input and using your current electric bill, we'll conduct an energy audit to answer important questions like:

    1. How much electricity are you using now, and is it enough?

    2. Are you downsizing? Upsizing?

    3. Do you want to add electric vehicles?

    4. If you have a pool, how is it heated?

    5. What is the overall picture of how you want to power your life?

    Then, we'll design a solar system considering your lifestyle goals and plans for growth. Our team works with national brands to get you the best pricing on the industry’s leading equipment, backed by a 30-year warranty. If you want to finance with one of many zero-down options, we can help you with the quick and easy qualification process. Once approved, our team takes it from there, handling everything for you from permitting to completion.

    All consultations are conducted virtually and usually take about 30 minutes. Let us know if you're interested in seeing what solar could do for you!

  • As a homeowner, there are several benefits of going solar, including:

    Lower energy bills: One of the most significant benefits of going solar is saving money on your energy bills. By generating your own electricity with solar panels, you can reduce your reliance on traditional utility companies and potentially eliminate your monthly energy bills.

    Increased home value: Installing a solar energy system can increase the value of your home. Studies have shown that homes with solar panels sell for more than those without, so investing in solar energy can be an intelligent financial decision.

    Energy independence: With a solar energy system, you can generate your own electricity and become less dependent on the electrical grid. This can be especially beneficial in areas prone to power outages or in rural areas with limited access to traditional utility companies.

    Tax incentives: Homeowners who install solar energy systems are eligible for federal tax incentives, such as the investment tax credit (ITC), which can reduce the overall cost of the system.

    Long-term savings: Solar energy systems can last for 25 years or more, and the cost of solar panels has steadily declined in recent years. This means that homeowners who invest in solar energy can enjoy long-term savings on their energy bills.

  • Deciding if solar is right for you is pretty straightforward. The easiest way is to get an evaluation from a solar professional. We’d be happy to provide you with a free consultation. But here are some simple things to consider:

    • Check your roof: Your roof is where solar panels go. Make sure it's in good shape and has enough space. A south-facing roof is best, but east or west can work too. A slant of about 15 to 40 degrees is ideal.
    • Find your solar potential: Use online tools like Google's Project Sunroof. They use satellite images to see how much sun your roof gets each year.
    • Look at your energy bills: See how much energy you use on average. This helps figure out how many solar panels you'll need.
    • Check local rules: Some places have rules about solar panels. And there might be discounts or help to pay for them.
  • A solar lease and a solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) essentially offer the same product. In both cases, you sign a contract with a solar company to have them install a solar energy system on your roof, allowing you to utilize the solar power generated in your home while they maintain ownership.

    The basic difference between a solar PPA and a lease is primarily based on your payment method to the solar company for the electricity:

    • With a Solar Lease you make a consistent fixed monthly "rent" payment throughout the lease term, regardless of your actual electricity consumption.
    • With a Solar PPA you pay a fixed rate per unit of electricity you use, which may fluctuate from month to month.

    Solar Lease

    A solar lease is a financial agreement where the solar installation company retains ownership of the system, and you make fixed monthly payments to use the system and benefit from the electricity it generates.

    Throughout the duration of the lease, you will continue to make regular monthly payments, and the responsibility for installation and maintenance lies entirely with the solar installer. This setup typically eliminates any upfront costs associated with residential solar installation, leaving you only with the obligation of paying the subsequent monthly "rental" fee.

    Solar PPA

    A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financial arrangement in which you make payments to your solar provider based on a predetermined rate per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for the electricity generated by the solar panels installed on your rooftop.

    The solar PPA closely resembles a solar lease, with the key difference being that the contract specifies a fixed per kWh rate, typically lower than the rates charged by your local utility company. Under a PPA, the responsibility for installation and ongoing maintenance expenses falls entirely on the solar leasing companies, and upfront fees are generally not required on your part.

  • The choice between buying or leasing solar panels often depends on your current financial situation and your long-term housing plans. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's crucial to carefully consider the pros and cons of leasing versus buying solar panels to determine the most suitable option for your needs.

    • Solar leasing can be an excellent choice for homeowners who can comfortably manage a fixed monthly payment but lack the immediate funds to outright purchase the system or secure a loan.
    • On the other hand, for some homeowners, acquiring a solar energy system outright or through a solar loan may be a more appropriate choice, especially if the goal is to increase the long-term value of their home for a potential future sale.
  • A study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that houses with solar panels generally sell for about 4% more in the United States compared to similar homes without solar panels.

    A Zillow study from 2019 shows that even with the ups and downs of the housing market, buyers will still pay a premium of 4.1% more for houses with solar than comparable homes without.

    Besides boosting your home's value, solar panels also help lower your electricity bills and provide clean, renewable energy. This can make your house more attractive to potential buyers.

    However, it's important to know that the exact value increase can vary. It depends on things like the size and condition of your solar system and how much money it saves on energy. To figure out how much solar panels might affect your home's value, it's a good idea to do some research and talk to a local real estate agent or appraiser.

  • During the initial consultation, we will discuss your design preferences. An expert design specialist will then review the module layout and system configuration and look to optimize the system to best suit the your aesthetic and energy production needs, while complying with local regulations and best system cost and efficiency. If our design team identifies any areas of optimization for the solar module layout, we will talk with you openly about it, and go over the advantages and disadvantages so that you’re satisfied with the end result.

  • The Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC) is a federal tax credit for those who purchase solar energy systems for residential, commercial or utility scale properties. The credit, which is applied to a homeowner’s federal income tax return debt, calculated based on a percentage (30% until 2032) of the total cost of a solar energy system.

    A solar investment tax credit (like other tax credits), is not a tax rebate and is not a deduction. While a rebate pays you back, a credit offsets the balance of tax due on your tax return. So, if you owe little to no federal taxes there is little to nothing to offset, and you won’t be able to take full advantage of the credit.

    You may not have to buy a solar system outright to take advantage of the ITC. It’s possible to claim the credit with a solar loan, and sometimes the savings can be passed along as part of the solar lease. Here’s a quick summary:

    • Cash purchase: You own the system, energy and ability to apply for tax credits.
    • Loan: You may be entitled to the full ITC credit even if you put $0 down.
    • Lease: ITC savings can be passed along as part of your lease contract, but you cannot claim them directly. You may benefit from the ITC in the form of a lower monthly lease payment. The company who owns your leasing agreement can apply for the credit directly and will be responsible for passing along any leasing discounts related to the credit they receive.

    While the Federal Solar Tax Credit is perhaps the most well-known incentive and the most important for driving the solar industry’s growth and reduces federal tax liability, it is not the only tax credit available, and a number of states and local municipalities have solar investment tax credits for their residents.

  • As a Powur Enterprise Organization, we do not have to rely on a third party to provide the protection and peace of mind you want and deserve, and all warranties fall under the Powur umbrella and Powur Care.

    Powur Care is a 30-year limited warranty offering complete protection. Powur Care covers equipment, installation workmanship quality, and roof penetration integrity, supplementing standard solar manufacturer warranties to further support our customers.

    With nationwide coverage, no deductibles, 100% parts, and labor coverage, 30 years of protection, and fast and painless in-house claims processing and customer support, you can rest assured this is THE industry-leading warranty.

  • We do a site survey to be sure your roof is in good condition before mounting panels. We would not mount equipment to a roof that needs to be replaced in the next 30 years. We will do a complimentary site inspection and let you know the condition of your roof. If it’s not within that 30-year mark, we will discuss replacement options prior to the solar installation.

  • Yes, however by lowering your reliance on the utility, you could be paying a much smaller overall energy bill with solar panels than without. In most cases your home will still be connected to the regular electricity grid which allows you to utilize the best of both worlds.

    The main reasons for this are:

    • Cloudy Days & Nights: Solar panels need sunlight to produce electricity. Since it's not sunny every day and the sun goes down at night, you'll still need electricity from the grid during these times.
    • Utility Service Charges: Solar panel systems are usually connected to the grid, so you can use grid electricity when your solar panels don't produce enough. This means you'll still get a bill from your utility company with various charges, like customer service and distribution fees.
    • Lack of Solar Battery Storage: Even if you have solar panels, you might not have enough battery storage to cover all your needs, so you'll still draw some power from the grid, especially at night.
    • Lack of Net Metering: Net metering lets you earn credits for extra solar power you produce and send back to the grid. The idea is that you can use those credits to offset the cost of electricity you pull from the grid in the future. If your utility company doesn't offer this program, you won't get credits and will have to pay for grid electricity.
  • Investing in a home is a significant decision. However, the home we initially purchase may not always be our forever residence. Factors like career changes, expanding families, or simply changing preferences can lead to selling our homes. You might currently live in a house that you anticipate selling in the future. If you're considering investing in your home by installing solar panels, you might wonder if this will prevent you from selling your property. The reassuring answer is that whether you purchase the solar panels, or opt for a Lease or Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), you can still sell your home when the need arises.

Please provide us with your utility bill and start your solar journey today